Tuesday, November 19, 2013




So, How Does Plexus Slim Work?
The Plexus Slim ingredients regulate your blood sugar levels, which prevents food cravings throughout the day.
Plexus Slim ingredients also suppress your appetite, which prevents overeating – the # 1 cause of obesity!
By taking Plexus Slim and a glass of water once a day at your first meal, your body will begin to break down stored fat as energy. This allows you to lose the unwanted weight both quickly and safely and with no harmful side effects.
Not only will you shed the pounds fast, in addition, the ingredients in Plexus Slim works by maintaining healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and lipid levels in your body. This creates a scenario for ideal body weight and optimal health!
plexusslimplusacc 150x150 Plexus Slim Diet Review   The #1 Weight Loss Supplement on the Market
When Plexus Slim is taken with Plexus Accelerator, your weight loss results will be even quicker. The Accelerator pill works by boosting your metabolism, suppresses your appetite even more, and helps you to overcome weight loss plateaus. (Double WHAMMY!)

How to Take Plexus Slim + Accelerator Pill

Once in the morning with your first meal, you add the Plexus Slim powder to a bottle of water, shake, drink and go! Take the Plexus Slim Accelerator Pill at the same time – the system is easy and quick and saves you time. (No mixing of shakes!)

What are the Ingredients in Plexus Slim?

  • Chromium
  • Chlorogenic Acid
  • Garcinia Cambodia Fruit Extract (Citrin K)
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Hoodia Gordonii Whole Plant Extract
  • Oxypregnane Steroidal Glycoside
  • Polydextrose
  • Citric Acid
  • Natural Flavors (cherry and pomegranate)
  • Beet Root Extract
  • Stevia Extract
  • Luo Han Guo Extract


Plexus Worldwide is committed to providing life-changing products and a unique and rewarding business opportunity. Plexus is not just about weight loss, it is also a wellness company with overall good health as a main focus. Plexus products are all natural and contain proven ingredients that address key areas of vitality and weight loss. Simply put, Plexus products work and the number of people who are experiencing tremendous results from our products continues to increase every day. You have the opportunity of a lifetime getting in on the ground floor with a company that offers an unmatched compensation plan as well as the potential for personal success and financial freedom.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Imagine being in a room with Steve Jobs (Apple),  Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) or even Pierre Omidyar (ebay) before their success happened. Imagine them telling you they wanted you to be a part of their vision. They knew without a doubt that what they were working towards was going to be revolutionary! Now you would do 1 of 2 things. You would either do what MOST did and call them crazy, dismiss what they had to say and get up and leave…only to find years later that you are kicking yourself for not staying and hearing them out. OR you would stay and hear them. You would see their passion for their vision and believe in what they were telling you. Having faith that they knew what they were talking about and invest in them. Years later you would be reaping the rewards and riches of that leap of faith and small investment.

Recently, our Plexus leaders were told by Eric Worre, (a top network marketing leader and coach), that as Ambassadors for Plexus, we ARE like the workers in Steve Jobs garage. Plexus is still on the ground floor and getting ready to explode! Plexus’ rapid growth is gaining attention. The company is completely debt free and has gone from 3 million a month in sales to 22 million a month in sales JUST THIS YEAR!!! We are in massive momentum growth. How can that be you ask? Because the products WORK! There are a lot of other Network Marketing companies out there that have decent to good compensation plans but the products are just okay. People tend to have to take those products a while and just trust that they are working and they may feel better in a month or so.  But with Plexus we have the BEST compensation plan out there BAR NONE! It truly is better than any other Network Marketing compensation plan there is and OUR PRODUCTS WORK!! The Plexus Slim/Accelerator was made for Type 2 Diabetics and one of the many side benefits is the all natural weight loss.  With Plexus it is an almost immediate difference in how you feel, i.e, sustained energy level, decreased appetite, etc.

The beauty of selling Plexus is it isn’t actually “selling”…it is SHARING results!  You do not have to be a “sales person” to share the good news of Plexus! Just being a product of the product is one of the best ways you can do that! There is no hounding your family and friends to “host a party” for you. There is no buying inventory to keep at your house. There is no having to deliver product to anyone. You simply just SHARE how Plexus has helped and blessed you with anyone you come into contact with. I simply post on Facebook. That is all. For me personally, I started with the company the last two weeks of August. Each month both the dollar amount I sold AND my commission checks continue to increase. I tell you this because in a short amount of time, it has already changed my financial situation. I have never believed in a company or products as much as I do Plexus. They are a rock solid company that give back generously to their Ambassadors. So I guess this is me being Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or Pierre Omidyar asking you to take a leap of faith and believe in this because I am sharing with you an opportunity to get in at the exact right time to completely change you and your family’s financial future.  This company is skyrocketing and I would love nothing more than to have you on my team sharing in the financial success!!


 I have had great success with my weight loss this year. I've also been earning a much needed extra income! The weight loss and the extra income has come from Plexus! Yes! From Plexus!
Plexus has changed... my life physically, emotionally and financially – all within 9 months! I can hardly wait to earn the income of the higher ranking ambassadors! My journey has truly been amazing so far and I'm not about to stop now! I am ready to take my business to the next level and I want to take you with me! In the next 90 days I am going to ROCK my Plexus business like I have never rocked it before! I am looking for people who sincerely want to make a difference in other people's lives and who want to earn a substantial income while doing it! These 90 days are definitely going to change my life and they could change yours as well! It will be FUN and ADVENTUROUS!
Plexus is here to stay and this is just the beginning of the business side of Plexus!
We were at 3 million a month in sales at the beginning of the year, for the month of October we have already reached 22 million!
On October 25, 2013, Plexus had a 2 million dollar in sales FOR THE DAY – not month, the day!
Plexus is a debt free company .
Plexus has the best of the best products, that have the best of the best ingredients – and the products REALLY WORK!!!!
Plexus has the BEST compensation plan of any MLM company out there!
The momentum and growth that Plexus is experiencing is unheard of and I am offering you a chance to join in on this amazing opportunity. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!!
Watch this video then message me and let me know what your health and financial goals are and we can get you started today on your Plexus journey!
